Saturday, April 18, 2020

Not ample time. Not enough capital.

For as long as I can recall I suffered from a loss of itis.

I hated my chest and heart's hollow, nervous sensation, the tightness around my neck and jaw—it was like I still felt behind me, missing somehow. I dreaded the sinking sensation that would pop about when my life's conditions weren't progressing as expected. Yeah, I was doing what any reasonable person should do and I was attempting to maintain power of everything. I have tried everything I could to stop it, or to seek to regulate it. I tried harder, working and accomplishing in the expectation of having better would relieve my inner ache and when it didn't succeed, I switched to sweets, money and mind numbing television to try to not worry about how inferior I felt.

I believe this type of attitude isn't just in me. This nagging feeling of insufficiency, yet not enough. It works out with money in our families, in our jobs, with our spouses and inside ourselves. Within you there is a persistent sensation of chewing backward. They're going to stop it. You will occasionally. But inevitably something is bound to happen – your bank account declines, the man doesn't write you back, you add on a bunch of pounds, a relative receives a raise, and so all of the sudden it reaches you and you're afflicted with inadequate itis.

This way of thought pushes them to be overconsuming mass customers to do lists. We are always looking and seeking while never getting our hands on what we need to see us light up. We're like a ring hamster— round and round we're heading! Looking for more love, more income, more attention and more things. Yet we remain cold nonetheless.

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Symptoms of insufficient-itis vs Poor Attitude vs deprivation consciousness The absence of attitude is a persistent sense of insufficiency.

From my own knowledge and operating over the past 6 years with hundreds of customers, I believe the root cause of lack of attitude is actually the feeling that 'I'm not enough.'

Experience like you're not enough or worthless or inadequate, or whatever you'd like to name it, is an extremely painful experience. It can be so challenging to believe you're not enough yet, at the same time, work up the power yet bravery you need to handle it. It's a double-edged sword - 'I'm not enough' - I need to do more internal research on personal affirmation and self-love, but I don't get it because I'm not enough... we're going round and round because we're thinking it's because we don't have enough time or resources.

We don't want to tackle the feeling so we're going to continue to hold our attention off of ourselves and seek to make it go away by doing more.

Lack of attitude often depends on what's lacking, always contrasting and coming up short. Our subconscious becomes filled by worries of what I don't have, why I'm not full, what I've done wrong, why I'm not where I figured I'd be by now, what's lacking from my life, why things are pitiful, why something is too challenging and it goes on and on and on and round and on ..

They remain trapped in the mentality. Moving back in circles, getting obsessed, slipping into very bad emotional states. The longer we dwell on what we don't have, the more we slip into unresourceful states and so the more deprivation we feel when we're too exhausted to make a difference, the deeper this process is.

Now, of course, every now and again, we can strike gold and do stuff go very well, but for those who are caught in a lack of mentality, this happiness impact is just fleeting and we catch ourselves in the same pattern and loop again very quickly. No matter how much money we have, the tight feeling of shortage and concern is always not enough to relieve. No matter how much we are cherished, we still sense this deep vulnerability. No matter how eligible we are, the inner voice doesn't quiet telling you you don't measure up.

How are we improving that, then? How are we breaking the loop and learning to light up without continually searching for more income, more love or more things?

Practice awareness The first step is often to become aware of what you are doing. Take a pen and paper and define some of the key areas of life - your wellbeing, your work, your personal growth, your finances, your family, your mates, your fun and relaxing, and everything else that matters to you. Then, talk of your other field of living. Tell yourself what is going on in that aspect of your life for you, and search in how you feel internally. How do you feel like you don't have anything of the outside world? What are you really wanting? In analogy with whom? And look inward now. Where is it you don't know enough? What pieces of yourself do you find to be not strong enough?

What Do You Want Really?

We do anything we do regardless of how we assume it can make us feel..... So, if you got what you were striving to do- how would you feel? If you had the rise, the career you wanted, the assets, the caring sexy wife, the lovely home, the toned body of yoga-how do you think you'd feel? Start being specific on what you are actually searching for here. It is one thing about my career that has always made the most difference. I found that I needed to feel comfortable and happy and that I was doing items that were being taught by 'society and media' will make me optimistic and happy. I didn't need them because my own confidence because joy came from doing the inner research, letting go of who I felt I was meant to be and accepting who I was. Choose the work because it's important, it fulfills your principles, it's your special voice and contribution to the community. Or that it's the next step on the ladder and everyone is suggesting that you need to keep moving up?

Light Yourself Up Until you are aware of what you truly desire and deserve, the hard research continues. Like I said before, we always search for satisfaction in our outside environment and put the hollow feeling within. We are searching for recognition, publicity, acceptance, affection, and so many other things, but this strategy is a temporary answer. You get the ad, you're excited and then you're down again next week. You hit the mortgage deposit goal and it doesn't offer you long-term happiness - only the problem 'What next? It's not a long-term dream and all you need to know from inside is how to light up yourself. I remember, said better than done!

What will you feel? Loved, loved, wealthy, content, safe at peace? And what do you expect from the outer life to make you feel this way (e.g. the work, your mates, your wife, your bank account, etc.).

Firstly that would be difficult but start dreaming on how you will start getting such emotions now, without trying to give it to you to someone or something beyond. Which changes would you create of how you perceive, which you're focused on, your attitude and behavior, and you can enjoy all of the emotions that you want?

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