Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to check your quarterly Own?

To make your life one that gives you happiness and enthusiasm, one that lets you feel as if you're growing up and going on, you need to be mindful of what you desire and how you're making strides towards it.

Company will take control, so if we don't consciously take over and find out what works and what doesn't work, life can lead us in a different path to our needs.

One way I do this is by a Quarterly Analysis and I encourage you to do the same. In this 60-minute free video I'm going through this cycle where we'll take stock of where you are, celebrate your successes, acknowledge your defeats and learn from them, set new targets and strive to follow our core objectives with renewed zeal and vigor.

It's okay if you're not in photos! I'll describe quickly the method I'm using, and you can do it yourself!

Getting Ready to Start Your Quarterly Analysis First, gather at the beginning of the year some content that has to do with your theme, priorities, objectives, etc. If you don't have something like this – it's all right! You can only continue again!

When you were a Wisdom Circle leader in 2017, you will use the Workbook for Week 3. If you weren't a participant, this connection will encourage you to access the week 3 workbook, or use a free journal or word document!

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Phase 1: Analysis of the last three months (January, February, March).
Thinking back through the months of January, February and March- was I the woman I wanted? Was I seeing what I always ought to be doing? Did I look like I had to look like this?
Which always went well for me over the last 3 months?
What was so challenging? So what have I learned from it?
Have I honoured my theme term this year so far? In what fashion?
Do I respected this year how I needed to act so far? In what fashion?
How can I draw on the insight I've acquired in the last 3 months?
Stage Two: Review your success against your 1st Quarter goals.
Have you done what you've needed in this year's first three months? Did you just toast your success? Need to adjust timetables or strategies? Are there deficiencies which need to be remembered and learnt from? How are you trying to step on differently?

Move Three: Ready for April, May & June How can I take the Knowledge I learned in Winter / Spring forward?
What do I hope for next? I love the issue! Breathe in and talk about things from an internal viewpoint - how do you feel? What a love for your spirit, mind, body and soul? What do you hope for? What do you hope for? Pay heed to yourself, and listen!
Who, or what do I really enjoy over the past 3 months?
What 3 stuff will I make better over the next 3 months? And what steps am I going to take to move on it?
Phase Four: Build your April, May & June targets.
The first thing to be mindful of here is the disparity between the aim of a 'project/deadline' and the purpose of 'lifestyle/maintenance.' For example, a project/deadline target is to build an online dating profile and pledge to go on 3 dates a month for the first three months. It's apparent, it's specified and you can cross it off your list.

It's specific with a target in lifestyle / maintenance- which would take a particular attitude. It is for what you want to put in or remove from your life like having breakfast every day, doing 10 minutes of relaxation in the evening before bed, that may be a routine meditation exercise or getting more sleep. This is a target that requires daily dedicated action.

Come on with no more than 3 targets that you want to concentrate on for the next 3 months. Be specific about whether they are targets for the initiative or objectives for the lifestyle.
Note down the 'why' for will one- why it's crucial that you acheive it, what the rewards are going to be.
What steps do you need to take to accomplish these objectives? (If you're confused, then only come up with the first step-sometimes the direction becomes unknown before we start walking down it) Which structures would you put in motion to support you? (This could be something from developing with a partner for weekly motivation, getting a mentor to work for you, cooking your breakfast the night before so you have to eat properly, putting your workout clothes out to encourage you to carry them for you- think about little stuff you can do that would help you.

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